Courthouse Elm (Ulmus americana)


This tree was given to Douglas County by Binger Hermann. Hermann served in the U.S. Congress from 1885 until 1897, and again from 1903 until 1907. During the intervening years, he was Commissioner of the General Land Office in Washington, D.C. The occasion for the tree donation is not known positively, but research suggests that it was planted very near the turn of the century, possibly at a dedication ceremony for courthouse, which was rebuilt after a fire on December 7, 1898. In addition to its heritage, the tree gives much pleasure to local residents with its great spreading crown and huge supporting limb structure.

It is located on the lawn of the Douglas County Courthouse, 1036 S.E. Douglas Street, Roseburg, Oregon.

Height: 71'
Circumference: 13' 4"
Average Crown Spread: approximately 103'
Approximate Age: 105 years
Dedicated: April 6, 1999
