•State Flag
The Oregon State Flag is the only state flag displaying different images on each side. |
•State Song: Oregon, My Oregon
Lyrics by J.A. Buchanan
Music by Henry B. Murtagh |
•The Chinook salmon, (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) the largest of the Pacific salmons, was declared the state fish in 1961. |
•Pseudotsuga menziesii, the Douglas Fir, was declared the state tree in 1939, and is the source of most of Oregon's softwood lumber production. |
•Castor canadensis, the American Beaver, was named the Oregon state animal in 1969. Oregon is also known as "The Beaver State". |
•The Western Meadowlark (Sturnella neglecta) was chosen as Oregon's state bird by Oregon's school children in a poll sponsored by the Audubon Society in 1927. The Western Meadowlark is known for its beautiful song. |
•The native Oregon Swallowtail (Papilio oregonius) was designated the state insect in 1979. The Oregon Swallowtail lives mainly in the lower sagebrush canyons of the Columbia River and its tributaries. |
•In 1899, Oregon Grape (Berberis aquifolium) was declared the Oregon state flower by the Legislature. The plant, with its holly like foliage and yellow flowers can be found mainly on the Pacific Coast. |
•The Oregon sunstone is the official state gemstone. The large, brightly colored stone in the feldspar family is found in southeastern Oregon counties. |
•The Thunderegg is the official state rock. These geodes contain minerals of many different colors and/or crystals, and are popular items to cut and polish to reveal the beautiful designs inside. |
•Milk was selected in 1997 as the state beverage. The legislature recognized that milk production and the manufacture of dairy products are major contributors to the economic well-being of Oregon agriculture. |
•Oregon's deepest gorge is the Hell's Canyon - 7,900 feet. It's located between Oregon and Idaho on the Snake River. |
•Official State Dance: Square Dance
The pioneer origins of the dance and the characteristic dress are deemed to reflect Oregon’s heritage; the lively spirit of the dance exemplifies the friendly, free nature and enthusiasm that are a part of the Oregon Character. |
•The hazelnut (Corylus avellana) was named state nut by the 1989 Legislature. Oregon grows 99 percent of the entire U.S. commercial crop. The Oregon hazelnut, unlike wild varieties, grows on single-trunked trees up to 30 or 40 feet tall. |
•In 1848, a conchologist (shell expert) named Redfield named the Fusitriton oregonensis after the Oregon Territory. Commonly called the Oregon hairy triton, the shell is one of the largest found in the state, reaching lengths up to five inches. |
•The official state mushroom of Oregon is the Pacific golden chanterelle |
•The 1957 Legislature bestowed upon Dr. John McLoughlin the honorary title of “Father of Oregon” in recognition of his great contributions to the early development of the Oregon Country. Dr. McLoughlin originally came to the Northwest region in 1824. |
•Honored by the 1987 Legislature as Mother of Oregon, Tabitha Moffatt Brown “represents the distinctive pioneer heritage and the charitable and compassionate nature of Oregon’s people.” At 66 years of age, she financed her own wagon for the trip from Missouri to Oregon. |