DiamondStone offers unique accommodations, surrounded by peaceful rural countryside & year-round activities. The Homestead Lodge / Cabin is artfully decorated & designed for travelers' relaxation, to feel at home away from home. Visit the website, and click ACCOMMODATIONS for descriptions, pricing, and pictures.
Cities: La Pine
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La Pine is a rural community located in Southern Deschutes County near the Newberry Volcanic National Monument and Paulina Peak, home of East Lake and Paulina Lake (where the state record Brown Trout was found).
DiamondStone offers unique accommodations, surrounded by peaceful rural countryside & year-round activities. The Homestead Lodge / Cabin is artfully decorated & designed for travelers' relaxation, to feel at home away from home. Visit the website, and click ACCOMMODATIONS for descriptions, pricing, and pictures.
A 2 ½ acre garden store that features greenhouses, antiques, tips and a wide arrange of gardening tools and supplies. They even deliver dirt, gravel and barkdust to local customers, but for those out of town visitors, you can find unique gifts and plants that will thrive in just about any North American climate.
If you want to immerse yourself in a subalpine pine forest where the air has that high-Cascades tang; to stay in a clean, quiet campground next to a twisting, cold river brimming with trout (and a nearby legendary fly fishing spot) and surrounded by miles of waiting-to-be-explored wilderness; to sit smack in the middle of dozens of high-mountain lakes (in winter, near some of the best ski-spots in the land); to see eagles or red-tailed hawks grabbing breakfast right in front of you; or, to just sit in a campsite pondering what you might do tomorrow ...