Just Added

Length: 68 miles / 108.8 km
Fees: There are fees associated with parking for more than a few hours near trailhead markers. Also, permits are required.

Region: Southern Oregon

Length: 140 miles / 224.0 km
Time to Allow: Plan for 5 to 7 hours to tour this byway.
Fees: There is a fee to enter Crater Lake National Park.

Region: Southern Oregon

Length: 172 miles / 275.2 km
Time to Allow: Plan on 7 to 8 hours to tour this Byway.

Region: Southern Oregon

Length: 171 miles / 273.6 km
Time to Allow: Expect 3 to 4 hours to experience all this Byway has to offer.

Region: Southern Oregon


Length: 70 miles / 112.0 km
Time to Allow: Allow 3 to 5 hours minimum. However, many travelers take a few days to experience all the sights.

Length: 55 miles / 88.0 km
Time to Allow: 90 mins, minimum. All day is reccommended.
Fees: Some state park and attractions charge fees.

Length: 80 miles / 128.0 km
Time to Allow: 4 to 5 hours
Fees: Some fees may be charged at some attractions.

Region: Eastern Oregon

Length: 106 miles / 169.6 km
Time to Allow: 5-7 hours
Fees: A few museums charge fees. So do some campgrounds.

Region: Eastern Oregon

Length: 130 miles / 208.0 km
Time to Allow: 3 hours to 3 days
Fees: You must always pay to camp. Fees range.

Region: Eastern Oregon

Length: 218.43 miles / 349.5 km
Time to Allow: Allow about 8 hours to tour this Byway.

Region: Eastern Oregon

Take this 220-mile scenic alternative route between Portland and Eugene and discover some of the best "up-close and personal" views of thundering waterfalls, lush ancient forests, rushing whitewater and cool, placid lakes.

Region: Central Oregon
