
The ringing of the bell can be heard up and down the pier, as “Old 300” runs along the Columbia River in Astoria.

Tags: Sightseeing
City: Astoria
Region: Northern Coast

When you visit the Oregon Coast in the fall, you are never sure what you are going to get.

Tags: Dining
City: Astoria
Region: Northern Coast

Driving north on Highway 99E as you enter Canby, it’s very hard not to notice the Vietnam memorial citizen of the small Willamette Valley town have constructed.

City: Canby

Cannon Beach has been a destination town since its inception, but during more modern times, it is being known more and more for its fine food and art.

City: Cannon Beach
Region: Northern Coast

If there is one thing in Canby that is the best kept secret, it’s a 3.5-mile trail that bisects the community, with bridges over roads and highways.

City: Canby

There are a lot of really interesting and fun things to do in Astoria, Oregon. But to be honest, one of my favorite parts of visiting this north coast city is to see the huge freighters sail by in the background.

City: Astoria
Region: Northern Coast

Many times when I visit a historic site, I go into it with an attitude that is almost like an academic.

City: Astoria
Region: Northern Coast

While many people head to Lincoln City to get their fix of the Oregon Coast, there is another place that is just as easy to enjoy, Tolovana Beach Wayside.

City: Cannon Beach
Region: Northern Coast

Like any good entrepreneur,  DK Smith had an idea around 40 years ago, one that people weren’t sure was going to work.


City: Cannon Beach
Region: Northern Coast

A dad was behind the camera, while his daughter and son were sitting behind the wheel of an old Nissan pickup, talking back and forth.

City: Astoria
Region: Northern Coast
